Date: 8/2 ( 2nd Day )
Urgent Prayer Request!
Please pray for those people who are involved in organizing and making this Global 40 Day Prayer And Fast movement possible. Particularly, please pray for the spiritual leaders, their co-workers and their family members, the behind-the-scene editorial team and their spiritual coverings, and family members. The son of one of the main leaders got sick, vomiting blood and hospitalized for three days. Please ask God to:
- heal this child and bring him to full recovery.
- protect everyone involved in the global prayer and fast and their family. May God watch their coming and going and keep them healthy and properous spirit, soul and body.
- bless the editorial team to be able to receive from God and translate it in words speedily and accurately.
Pursuing Intimacy With God 
Psalm 91:1 “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High God will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.”
Dear Abba Father,
Thank you for leading me into the shelter of Yours, the shelter of the Most High God on the second day of this journey of pursuing intimacy with You. Heavenly Father, I want to enter into the inner chamber, close the door and sit by Your feet. May You Yourself breathe into me, let Your Spirit cleanse me gently and let Your words spring up from within me! Oh Father, the love in the deepest part of my heart is awakened because of Your words of grace! Please reveal to me so that I may know the mystery of the intimacy with You in a deeper level. Your endless love makes my heart glad and my spirit rejoicing。 You are the most wonderful of all. There is none like you! I shall dwell in the shadow of the Most High God and let You refresh and renew my mind continuously so that I am be more like You。
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!
Repentance for Self 02
Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!
Exodus 15:11“Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods?Who is like you, majestic in holiness,awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?
Your Word says that before the Lord Jesus comes, the world will become darker and darker—as it is now. Father, help me to be perfect before You. Keep me away from the entanglements of sins and ignite Your light within me. Remove the darkness inside me as I open my heart to You. Shine Your truth upon me so I can confess my sins and repent wholeheartedly. Lord, cleanse me of all unrighteousness so that my prayers are counted before You.
(You may skip over the ones that does not apply)
Lord, forgive me for all unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice, envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness, gossiping,slanderous, being a hater of God, insolence, haughtiness, boastfulness, being an inventor of evil, disobedient to parents, foolishness, faithlessness, heartlessness, and ruthlessness.(Romans 1:29-31) being a lover of self, lover of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, ungrateful, unholy, unappeasable, without self-control, brutal, not loving goodness, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power.(2 Timothy 3:1-5). Restore me with humility and softness to honor God and brothers and sisters in submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ (Eph 5:21) . Help me to not quarrel or cry aloud, nor having contentiousness and discord (Matt. 12:19). Keep my eyes and heart and mind fixed on Jesus Christ!
Lord, thank You for paying the price for my Sin on the cross. Thank You that I could approach Your throne full of confidence, to receive mercy and grace. I praise You, lifting up Your Holy Name full of joy! All glory be unto You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Pray For Nations
[Editor’s note: In these forty days, we will first pray for the countries participating in this fasting prayer. After that, we will pray daily for the countries in the continent according to the continents of the world. We will select three to four countries / regions and pray for them everyday.]
Pray for Japan, Korea and Indonesia
Dear Heavenly Father, we come before You as priests to pray for Japan, Korea and Indonesia:
Japan: May God bless Japan with the great spiritual revival, raise up the younger generation for the great global harvest
- Give the grace of repentance: God awakened Japan with earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and floods. May God raise up the Japanese church leaders, repent for the crimes in the Second World war. Pray for Japan to repent from idol worshiping and reject any connection with the sun god.
- Light of Gospel enter into Japan: Proclaim the light of Gospel enter into the people and government, call on God to ‘pierce’ the dark forces that blind Japanese. Ask the Lord to open up this gospel wasteland in Japan and to shower down righteousness on Japanese.
- Stand in the gap: God want us to raise among nations a prayer army to intercede for Japan. Covering and healing prayers will help Japan soak in the love of God and bring healing to the wounds.
- Proclaim: Japan is the “sickle in the hands of the Lord” and will be a vessel for the Gospel harvest. The terrain of Japan is like a curved file.
- Pray for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe: Father, please bless Prime Minister Abe with strong body, soul and spirit, watching his coming and going. Bless him and all his cabinets with Your wisdom that they may work in one heart to handle the severe heat and flood recently causing much hardship; we believe PM Shinzo Abe will be a leader who fears the true God and be blessed with precious salvation!
Korea: pray that South Korea will be a blessing to North Korea in economics, missions, etc, that North and South Korea may become a unified nation, entering into her apostolic calling and as the domino effect, launching the global wave of missionary sending just like in the Book of Acts, bringing the great end-time great harvest and the kingdom of God’s glory to the earth!
- May this nation, whose God is the Lord, be blessed in every aspect, even during the economic storm.
- May God continue to keep them in unity, love and support for each other. May the church understand God’s heart and bring the gospel back to Jerusalem, standing watch with Israel and Jewish.
- Pray for transformation of the two Korean nations: thank God for the success of the peace summits of the two Korean countries and for their repentance of the division and hostilities in the past. May God continue to reign among them, shift the spiritual realm and transform the nation.
- Pray for President Kim Jung-En of North Korea: May God’s mercy come upon him and his family. May the light of Damascus shine upon him and let him experience the mighty power of God supernaturally that he will repent truly and turn to Jesus Christ, the only true God.
- Pray for President Moon Jae-in of South Korea: May You give President Moon peace , wisdom and power to handle domestic and foreign affairs, leading the North and South Korea toward unity and stability. Surround him with god-fearing and gifted counsels that the government officials may walk with our God in righteousness, compassion and humility (Micah 6:8)
Indonesia; Ask God to break the Islamic warfare and witch crafts . May His true peace and freedom heal and deliver this Muslim country.
[Background: There are several active and deadly terrorist organizations in Indonesia including Jamaah Islamiyah (JI), Jamaah Ansyarut Tauhid (JAT) and, more recently, the Islamic State(ISIS); Christians, police and foreigners are often the targets of their attacks. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, but there are also religious communities such as Hinduism, Christianity, and Buddhism. Religious conflicts increase a lot in recent years. In the last two decades there have been several severe terrorist attacks happened in Indonesia, including the deadly bombing in Bali in 2002 and a hostage standoff in Jakarta in January 2016. In November 2016 there was a gasoline explosion at the church in East Borneo, San Malinda, and a bombing in a church in Surabaya on 2018/5/13 . (Source: Kingdom Prayer Network)
- Ask God to intervene and keep the Christians from any terrorist attacks or evil schemes.
- Ask God to greatly prosper His churches in Indonesia. Every church be like Mary of Bethany, full of spirit, prayers, supplications and seeking intimate relationship with Jesus.
- Proclaim: God will give Indonesian Christians the spirit of power to stand firm in great persecution and to glorify the Lord’s holy name. Proclaim: God’s gospel will come upon Indonesian Muslims that they may receive the joy and peace of salvation.
- Pray for President Joko Widodo: pray that God’s salvation come upon him and he will know the holiness and righteousness of God. Ask God to give him a humble and god-fearing heart, a clean and upright spirit so that he will walk on the path of truth and righteousness, leading Indonesia to repentance and return to God. Abba Father, please bless him and his family and keep them safe.
In the name of Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!
Pray for Seven Mountains
[Background: The 7 Mountain Strategy is a strategy for Christians to bring about the transformation of society in accordance with the values of the Kingdom of God. Transforming urban countries by changing the seven most important areas that affect society and culture. Among them, the “Seven Great Mountains” are the seven major areas. Advocates believe that when on the “Seven Great Mountains” Christians can rise, exert influence, or even become leaders, they can change society. The seven major mountains are: Art Entertainment / Business / Religion / Media / Education / Family / Government. For more information on the 7 mountain strategy, please see the video by Rober Heidler。We will take turns to pray for these seven hills in these 40 days.]
In the age of Internet, we not only have traditional mainstream media, but also new media, covering and affecting the whole world:
- Ask God to save the souls of the American and global media reporters. Ask Him to forgive them for lies and distorted reports. In particular, they conceal the truth and exaggerate lies to report wrongly. Distort the image of national leaders. May God release the truth and the facts and take back the Media Mountain.
- Ask God to let more believers see the opportunity to use the media for missions and become a member of the media missionary army. Raise up Christians to become a media and online missionary to spread the gospel of the Kingdom of God through the Internet, videos, photos, text, movies, drama, music, events and gatherings.
- We believe that the gospel of God can be transmitted to the ends of the earth through the Internet. May the church make good use of the new media to establish a wall-less church evangelism and mission, and welcome this missionary generation with new thinking.
- Ask God to raise up more gifted Christian media people who can set a good example in the industry. May the voice of righteousness, honesty and truthful news can be sent through the media. May the media report good news not just bad news. May the media play its role in influencing and transforming culture.
( source: Kingdom Prayer Network )
Pray for World Leaders
- President Trump of the United State
- Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel
- President Putin of Russia
- Chairman Xi Jinping of China
Abba Father, we thank You for setting up these world leaders at this time. We ask you to fill them with Your Spirit daily, bless them and their family, watch their coming and going, keep them healthy and give them wisdom to govern all the domestic and international affairs according to Your will. May they be graceful to God’s people and protect Christian religion freedom.
Urgent Prayers for Nations
Pray for the fire in northern California
[Background: The wildfire that is currently raging in Northern California has turned into a firestorm from the evening of Thursday (July 26). The tornado formed by the flame uprooted the tree and cast it onto the building. The wildfire has already burnt or is threatening around 5000 structures. The life and property of 90, 000 residents of the city of Redding, where Bethel Church is located, are being threatened.
The fire was caused by the strong winds of 40 kilometers per hour and the high temperature of 43 degrees Celsius. Two firefighters were killed, at least 65 buildings were burnt down, and 37,000 residents were forced to evacuate. According to the current fire situation, if the situation is not controlled immediately, hundreds of buildings will be damaged. Bethel Church has urgently requested the body of Christ to intercede . ]
Pray for the Bethel Church and the residents in the area of the firestorm. Pray for God’s mercy and super natural intervention to stop the fire. May God keep and protect the Bethel church, the relief personnel and all the innocent people. May the damages be minimized.
Pray for Persecuted Pastor in Turkey
[Current Event: Pastor Brunson, an American pastor who has been serving many years at a church in Turkey, was arrested in March 2017, charged with plotting to overthrow the Turkish government. Recently, he has been transferred from Turkey prison to house arresst due to declining health. ]
Father, we lift up Pastor Brunson to Your throne room. We detest those charges that are without credible evidence, we decree a righteous vindication and release will come from the Hands of God. Father, we pray against demand of political prisoner swap leverage from Turkey. We ask for your forgiveness, Turkey had drifted away from You, please take away their hearts of stone, awaken her to Your Light and Hope. We trust that your righteous judgment will prevail and your servant will be proven innocent. His imminent health is restored by Jesus’ stripes that Pastor Brunson is healed. We pray for him and his family’s faith be magnified to the very end through Christ. ’God will bring down the wicked into the pit of decay; the bloodthirsty and deceitful will not live out half of their days. But as for me, I will trust in You.’ (Psalms 55:23). We pray the Power of revival will release Turkey onto the latter glory, In Jesus’ Name, we pray.
Pray For Israel
Pray for the LGBT People and Supporters
[Background:The Gay Pride Parade event was scheduled to take place in 8 Israeli cities between 6/8-8/2; the finale of the event will take place in Jerusalem on 8/2]
- May God release the Spirit of Repentance into Israel and forgive them for allowing gay parades throughout Israel
Lord, the LGBT people are looking for love and acceptance; we ask You to meet them and eat and drink with them, as You did with tax collectors and sinners in Israel (Mathew 9:11). Let Your mercy and love come upon those who participate in the Gay Pride event and the open their eyes that they might return to You; stretch out Your mighty arm and save them from destruction. We ask the blood of Jesus to cleanse Israel from her sins. Let the anointing of Your victory fill Jerusalem and bring great glory to You. We pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Pray For Southern Israel:
Lord, please be a shield to Israel’s south, the desert You have enabled to bloom. Send Your watcher and warrior angels to guard our southern borders from infiltration, terror, war or other forms of attack.
- Thank you for intercepting and miraculously re-directing rockets and missiles shot from Gaza into southern Israeli civilian centers. May you continue to protect Israel from any form of weapons including fire-kite and rockets.
- Please enhance peaceable cooperation with the Bedouin in the Negev, many of whom have blessed the Jewish people. Sustain cooperative relations with Egypt and Jordan over shared borders and interests.
- Expose and shake enemy hideouts and tunnels in desert lands, for “the voice of the Lord shakes the desert” (Ps. 29:8). Make a way where there seems to be none for the Negev to grow as an agricultural, industrial, hi-tech and military center (Isa. 43:19). “ Provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland to give drink to … the people [You] formed for [Yourself] that they may proclaim [Your] praise” (Isa. 43:20-21).
- Protect, strengthen and embolden Messianic congregations and believers in the south.
(Source: Light Of Zion Ministries)